Articles with phraze:
general balance

14724Ambroży-Deręgowska K., Mejza I.On the efficiency of orthogonal treatment contrasts in multistratum incomplete split-split-plot designs constructed by square lattice designsEnglish
24547Ambroży-Deręgowska K., Mejza I., Mejza S.Stratum analyses for split-split-plot designs generated by group divisible designsEnglish
34359Ambroży K., Mejza I.A method of constructing incomplete split-split-plot designs supplemented by whole plot and subplot standards and their analysisEnglish
44277Ambroży K., Mejza I.Control whole plot treatments in some split-split-plot experiment designs generated by orthogonally supplemented block designEnglish
541165Ambroży K., Mejza I.Statistical properties of some supplemented split-split-plot designEnglish
640177Ambroży K., Mejza I.Balance and efficiency of some augmented split-block-plot designEnglish
739111Ambroży K., Mejza I.Modelling and analysis of split-plot x split-block type experiments with control C treatmentsEnglish
83729Mejza I., Ambroży K.Construction of nested incomplete split-plot x split-block designsEnglish
93569Ambroży K., Mejza I.Some incomplete split-plot x split-block type designs generated by GD PBIBD (2)Polish
103427Ambroży K., Mejza I.Incomplete split-plotxsplit-block designs based on Kronecker type productsEnglish
1134103Kachlicka D., Mejza S.Repeated Youden square with split unitsPolish
1233A7Ambroży K., Mejza I.Construction of split-plot x split-block designs using balanced square lattice designsEnglish
1333A77Kachlicka D., Mejza S.Whole-plot control treatments in Youden square with split unitsEnglish
143367Kachlicka D., Mejza I.Two types of control treatments in incomplete split-block designsEnglish
153383Ambroży K., Mejza I.Some split-plot x split-block designsEnglish
163239Kachlicka D., Mejza I.Split-block designs with one factor in certain supplemented block designsEnglish
173279Ambroży K., Mejza I.Three-factor experiments in split-block designs with split plotsPolish
183197Mejza I., Kuriki S., Mejza S.Balanced square lattice designs in split-block designsEnglish