Tom: 44 Strona: 127

Barbara Górynowicz
Wojciech Święcicki
Wiesław Pilarczyk
Wojciech Mikulski

The dependence of seed yield and its components on environmental factors in selected legumes

Język: Angielski

Słowa kluczowe:
legumes intercropping
seed yield analysis
Sielianinow factor
weather conditions
yield stability of genotypes

Ten cultivars of narrow-leafed lupin and twelve of field pea, differentiated in terms of morphological structure and phenological phases, were studied. Field experiments were conducted in 2011 at Radzików and Wiatrowo in a randomized complete block design.
The aim of this study was to find relationships between seed yield and its components, and meteorological conditions (during the flowering and maturation phases). Weather conditions were characterized using the Sielianinow factor. Highly significant (α=0.01) differences were detected between cultivars in terms of all analyzed traits. The Wricke (1962) ecovalence Wi showed that the most stable lupin cultivars were Kalif and Bojar, similarly Tarchalska and Ezop among pea cultivars. Differences between the high and dwarf cultivars of lupin and pea were found. The length of the maturation phase in pea was negatively correlated with the Sielianinow factor, while in lupin it was positively correlated. Taking into account the differences between cultivars in terms of the discussed traits increases the value of the determination factor in all considered traits, which suggests the need to focus attention on cultivars.
