Vol: 38 Page: 79

Tadeusz Śmiałowski
Maria Stachowicz

The use of the path analysis to the estimation of the interrelationships among technological traits of the winter wheat

Language: Polish

path analysis
technological grain quality
winter wheat

The aim of the coducted path analysis was estimation of direct and indirect effects of the 12 independent traits of the technological of grain, flour, bread of winter wheat; the number sedimentation of the flour (X1), the falling number of the flour (X2), the protein content in of grain (X3), the water absorption of the flour (X4), of the softness dough (X5), the energy of dough (X6), the efficiency of the flour (X7), the time of stability dough (X8), the extension of the dough (X9), the gluten content in flour (wet) (X10), the gluten index (X11) and quality bread (X12), dependent trait was the efficiency of bread, (Y). For analyses the matrix of phenotypic coefficients of correlation among above mentioned 13 traits which are indicators of the technological quality was used. Obtained data were used to obtain multiple regression.
The values of the partial regression coefficients prove that the highest positive direct effects on the efficiency of bread had the bread quality (0.923).
Other of the traits had not the strong directs effects on the bread efficiencies.
The conducted path analysis appeared useful for the estimation of interrelationships among investigated technological traits of the winter-wheat. Obtained results can be useful in the breeding of new qualitative winter wheat varieties.
