Agnieszka Kubik-Komar

Place of work*:
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Lublin Poland


Articles published in Colloquium:
14818Kubik-Komar A.Application of multivariate statistical analyzes for comparison of Betula pollen seasons 2001-2016 in LublinEnglish
23991Kubik-Komar A., Kuna-Broniowska I.Application of variance analysis for split-plot with repeated measures design in estimation of Apera spica venti changes under impact of tillage systems and herbicides dosesEnglish
330333Wesołowska-Janczarek M., Kubik-Komar A., Jędruszczak M.Application of diversity indices to study the influence of tillage system and doses of herbicides on weed communityPolish

*) by the last publication