Articles with key words:
układ zrównoważony o blokach niekompletnych

Existing translations:
balanced incomplete block design

140165Katulska K., Rychlińska E.On regular E-optimality of spring balance weighing designsEnglish
23895Ceranka B., Graczyk M.Some notes about chemical balance weighing design for p=v+1 objects based on balanced block designsEnglish
336115Oliveira T.A., Ceranka B., Graczyk M.The variance of the difference of block effects in the balanced incomplete block designs with repeated blocksEnglish
434A131Oliveira T.A., de Fatima Fontes de Sousa M. BIB designs with repeated blocks: some analysis on BIBD(12,44,11,3,2) with different structuresEnglish
53463Ceranka B., Graczyk M.Balanced ternary block designs under certain conditionEnglish
630166Bocianowski J.Selected methods construction BIB designs on the basis Hadamard matricesPolish