Tom: 42 Strona: 35

Wiesław Pilarczyk
Bogna Kowalczyk

The influence of reduction in measured plants number on distinctness of amenity varieties of perennial ryegrass (Lollium perenne L.) tested in DUS trials

Język: Angielski

Słowa kluczowe:
amenity varieties
DUS trials
number of measurements
perennial ryegrass

In a paper the problem of number of measurements in DUS (distinctness, uniformity and stability) trials on amenity varieties of perennial ryegrass is discussed. The results of five trials performed in the period 2005-2009 at Variety Testing Experimental Station at Słupia Wielka are used. The results are analyzed twice using standard procedure for this type of trials. In the first analysis all data were used whereas in the second analysis data were randomly excluded, then the analysis was performed on 50% of original data. Finally, the decisions about distinctness in these analyses were compared.
